UKC has always supported the philosopy that dogs should be great representations of their breed, equally, in structure, temperament and function. UKC rewards these dogs that shine and qualify in both the conformation show ring and in an eligible performance sport on the same day, with a Total Dog award. In addition to being able to earn multiple Total Dog awards, dogs that earn them at Regional Qualifying Events (RQE) become eligible for an invite to the UKC Total Dog Invitational and could win $10,000 there.
Below, are UPA Member Poodles and Standard Poodles that have earned Total Dogs awards. We are very proud of them!

Michele Harvey and Am CH UKC MBIS MRBIS RGCH RACEN Katmary’s Rainbow of Forest Lakes CGC TKN BCAT TDx2 “Katie” earned two Total Dog awards, a precision coursing title and a Best in Show May 2023 at the Bay Area Regional Kennel Club show.

“Mal” UKC CH URO1 Aldea I Aim To Misbehave at Imaj’n SPOT-ON owned by Jami Whitehead qualified to compete at Total Dog 2023. He is a Type 1 diabetic medical alert service animal.

Lynelle Melleker and her UKC RBIS GRCH Begonia’s Bluebird In My Heart CGC TKN Total Dog ‘Miranda’ earned 3 Total Dog Awards in 2021 for Rally Obedience.

Bonnie Winings’ UKC GRCH SN URO2 RACEN Crystal Creek’s Midnight Victory RATCH CD BN BCAT RA NFP TKA ACT1 CGC SPOT, VCM ‘Nike’ earned his Total Dog in Rally Obedience.

Bonnie Winings’ Crystal Creek’s AKC CH & U-CH URO1 Boshi’s Forbidden Love CGC TKN; UKC Total Dog ‘Ezra’ earned her Total Dog in Rally Obedience.

Abigail Kitchens and BIS TDRBIS IA RACEA ROM EGCH Zena Warrior Princess Vi SPOT-ON CGCU CGCA NF NA RI TKA ‘Zena’ have earned 10 Total Dog Awards this year (2021). She was invited to the first annual UKC Total Dog Invitational and we came away with Third place!! She really loves Agility and Tricks but we also do Rally, Obedience, and Barn Hunt.

Tasha Grieser of Ghibli Poodles and UROC UGRCH Miyazaki’s Secret Element BN RA THD CGC TKA ETD PKD-N RATI ACTJ1 SPOT ADP-L4 VCM ‘Miya’ earned three Total Dog awards in 2019 in Rally Obedience.

Jordan Burns and A-MBIS A-RBIS CH URO1 Zenon’s Super Nova Girl CGC TKN SPOT-ON ICN “Total Dog” x2, ‘Nova,’ earned their first two Total Dog Awards in Shipshewana, IN with four Qs in Rally and three Altered Best Shows! They earned their URO1 and topped it off with a new SPOT-ON!

Bonnie Winings’ Crystal Creek’s U-GRCH URO1 RACEN DAN DS Light Up the Darkness CGCA TKN SPOT-ON UKC TOTAL DOG ‘Lumen’ earned her Total Dog in Rally Obedience.

At just 6 months and 2 days old, PN CH Urban Hero’s Happy Days ‘Fonzie’ became a UKC Champion and finished his Pre-Novice Obedience title earning two Total Dog Awards. He won breed twice and his first group placement at the Washington Classic on his way to finish his Championship.
PN CH Urban Hero’s Happy Days bred and owned by Abigail Kitchens.

Jordan Burns and BIS/RBIS UKC DGRCH URO1 CA RACEA Int/NatCH Cosmic Caliber’s River Vixen CGC TKI FDC SPOT-ON ICN TDI “Total Dog” x7 ‘Veronica’ have earned 7 Total Dog awards in 3 events. Two at the Black Swamp Gun Dog Club show winning breed twice and two Qs in Rally. She won two at the Southeastern American Eskimo Dog Assn. show winning breed 3/4 shows, as well two Qs in Rally. She got her last three at the Ohio Classic winning breed two times and reserve GRCH Saturday, as well as a Q in Rally all 3 days. She earned a placement in Rally with every Q.

Wendy Coffee and RBIS IntCH/NatCH/HnrCH RACEA PTN CA URO2 UWP EGRCH Sapphires Love Me Like Music VSWB CGCA TKP RATN BCAT TDN SPOT-ON VCX ICN Achiever Dog Total Dog x 7 ‘Scarlett’ earned her seven Total Dog awards at Hampton Roads Kennel Club shows in May and October of 2018 and March of 2019. She has four for Weight Pull and three for Rally Obedience.

Lisa Kelly and Sixteenth Storm’s BIMBS RBIMBS UGrCH UR01 Storm XVI RN CGCA TKN RATS CZ8B SWN ACT1J Total Dogx3 ‘Storm’ earned three Total Dog awards at the Black Swamp Gun Dog show in 2018. She won five Champion classes and qualified in Rally Obedience all three days, to complete her Grand Champion and UR01 titles.

Lynelle Melleker and her UKC RBIS GRCH Begonia’s Bluebird In My Heart CGC TKN Total Dog ‘Miranda’ earned 3 Total Dog Awards in 2021 for Rally Obedience.

Wendy Coffey and RBIS IntCH RGRCH UWPCH Sapphire’s Wrapt Round My Heart RN VSWB GCGA CGCU TKI ICN SPOT-ON ‘Ivy’ has earned a total of 7 Total Dog awards. She earned her first September 18, 2021 at CABA show, three the weekend of October 1-3, 2021 at the HRKC show, and 3 at the VA. Classic December 3-5, all for weight pull.

UKC CH UCA RACEN Crystal Creek’s Remedy for Love DN BCAT CGC TKN, Total Dog, Achiver Dog ‘Remmy’ earned his Total Dog in Rally Obedience.

Paige Pinney and Alue’s Midwest Special NTD Total Dog “Pumbaa” earned a Total Dog in June 2022 with a qualifying score in URO1 rally obedience. Pumbaa is co-owned with Kelsey Dixon of Alue Poodles.

Paige Pinney and URO2 TDCH CH Piccolo’s To Waypoint This Looks Bad RN TKA VHMA VHMP ATD-M AtoZ HIT Total Dog x2 “Bishop” earned his first Total Dog in April 2022 with a qualifying score in URO2 Rally Obedience, followed by another in June 2022 with a qualifying score in URO3 Rally.

Emily Carabellio and RACEN RAO1 CA EGCH Winterswind Moonbeams Adventure SPOT ‘Mora’ have earned 3 total dog awards for Rally at the Virginia classic at 8 months old. She is qualified for the total dog invitational.

Jennifer an Mike Bills’ GrCH MnJ’s It’s Martini Time ‘Martini’ earned her Total Dog at the 2021 Texas Classic by winning the Champion class and qualifying in Nosework.

Jordan Burns and RGCH RACEN Cosmic Caliber’s Come As You Are SPOT-ON “Total Dog”, ‘Anavrin,’earned their Total Dog in Shipshewana, IN with two Q’s in Rally, with two second placements, and winning Best Of Breed in four shows. It was rounded out with two group placements and becoming a new Ruby Grand Champion!

Paula Cleary of PK Poodles’ and RACEN URO1 CH PK’s Dun Outta Ink SPOT-ON ‘Dunder’ won two Grand legs and qualified in Rally Obedience and Obedience BN in Jefferson, GA adding two additional Total Dog awards for an impressive seven, so far.

Bred by Amanda Bishop and co-owned/shown with Cadence Delnegro UR02 Epic Quest’s Make You Stop N Stare CGC TKN ‘Envy’ earned his FIVE total dogs at just 6.5 months of age at the Virginia Classic in 2021.

Amanda Bishop and BIMBS GrCH UR01 Rose City’s Scarlet Letter SPOT ‘Shae’ earned a Total Dog award for Ralky Obedience at the 2019 Ohio Classic and another in Rally Obedience at the Hampton Roads show in March 2019.

Kathy Esio King and BIS BISS AG1 UCA UWP RO1 GRCH JACKNIC’S COLORFUL LANGUAGE CA RI NA GCG TKN SPOT ‘Vivian’ won several Total Dog awards including a prestigious BIS TOTAL DOG at Gateway Nationals in 2016, earning her AG1 title with three first place ribbons, and her UCA title.

Bonnie Winings’ UKC GRCH URO3 UCA Crystal Creek’s Heavenly Guardian CA RA DN BCAT CGCA TKN SPOT -Total Dog, Achiever Dog, VIP Excellent ‘Athena’ earned her Total Dog in Rally Obedience.

Kacy Hotell and Int’lCh RACEN UR01 UGRCH Better than Mistletoe RA ACT1 TKI CGCA ICN VCX Total Dog x3 ‘Misty’ earned her total dogs by winning best of breed each day at the 2020 Washington Classic and qualifying in rally each day.

Amanda Bishop and GrCH UR02 Rose City’s Ask Her to Dance SPOT ‘Zoe’ earned her Two Total Dog awards at the Hampton Roads Kennel Club show in December of 2018 and March of 2019 in Rally Obedience.

Bred by Jordan Burns and co-owned with Lydia Richard UKC GRCH URO1 RACEA Cosmic Caliber’s Crocodile Princess TKI CGC SPOT-ON ICN ‘Bindi’ got a Total Dog in Georgia in September 2021 with 4 rally qualifying scores and 3 second place runs, 4 champion class wins, 2 BOB, a group 1 and a group 4.

Leah Talaski’s AE AC NN PTE URO1 CH RiversEdge Minnie’s Kiss Goodnite BH CD RM TKE CGCA CGCU VCM SPOT ‘Minnie’ earned her Total Dog award at the Foundation Kai Club of America in Charlotte, Michigan on September 23, 2018 with a qualifying high in trial rally run and an altered conformation win.

Tasha Grieser of Ghibli Poodles and GRCH ADP-CH URO3 NC Shyre’s Down to Earth RN TKA CGCA CGCU SCNE ATD PKD-N NCO1 ACTJ1 VCM ‘Wall-E’ earned his total dog on February 2nd, 2020 in Nosework during the same show that he earned his Grand Championship.

Danielle Qualheim and HnrSr IntSR NatSR UGRCH PN Kvali’s Spanish Buck CGCU CGCA TKN VHMA SPOT Total Dog x2 ‘Buck’ earned two Total Dog awards and UKC Grand Championship at the 2021 Washington Classic, with two Champion wins and Q’s in Obedience Pre Novice and Rally Obedience.
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