In 2019, UKC introduced Gemstone level conformation titles that exhibitors can earn beyond their Grand Championship. This created a lot of excitement for those who wish to continue competing in conformation. This page honors our UPA members that have worked very hard for their Gemstone Titles.
5 Emerald Grand Champion legs must be earned in any combination under a minimum of 3 different judges. Only 1 leg may be earned per show.
Emerald Grand Champion Legs:
1. Earn 2 Grand Champion class wins over 2 or more Grand Champions.
2. Win Best of Breed over 7 dogs.
3. Earn 2 Group 1 placements with 3 or more dogs competing in
the group.
4. Win a Best or Reserve Best in Show with 5 or more dogs competing.
5 Ruby Grand Champion legs must be earned in any combination under a minimum of 3 different judges. Only 1 leg may be earned per show.
Ruby Grand Champion Legs:
1. Earn 3 Grand Champion class wins over 2 or more Grand Champions.
2. Win Best of Breed over 10 dogs.
3. Earn 3 Group 1 placements with 3 or more dogs competing.
4. Win a Best or Reserve Best in Show with 5 or more dogs competing.
5 Sapphire Grand Champion legs must be earned in any combination under a minimum of 3 different judges. Only 1 leg may be earned per show.
Sapphire Grand Champion Legs:
1. Earn 4 Grand Champion class wins over 2 or more Grand Champions.
2. Win Best of Breed over 10 dogs.
3. Earn 4 Group 1 placements with 3 or more dogs competing.
4. Win a Best or Reserve Best in Show with 5 or more dogs competing.
5 Diamond Grand Champion legs must be earned in any combination under a minimum of 3 different judges. Only 1 leg may be earned per show.
Diamond Grand Champion Legs:
1. Earn 5 Grand Champion class wins over 2 or more Grand Champions.
2. Win Best of Breed over 10 dogs.
3. Earn 5 Group 1 placements with 3 or more dogs competing.
4. Win a Best or Reserve Best in show with 5 or more dogs competing.

MBIS MRBIS DGRCH Rose City News Flash At Kater
Annie is the epitome of a show dog, so much attitude and she gives it her all! She was #3 Multicolored Standard Poodle (MCSP) in 2019 and made it to #1 in 2020. She won top 10 breed at Premier 2021, which was an incredible honor. In addition to numerous group placements, she earned 6 BIS and 4 RBIS on her journey to Diamond. We received her Diamond title on September 4, 2020. We are so honored and thrilled that Annie was the 1st MCSP to receive such a prestigious award. Annie is owned by member Kay Andrews and Sandra Fanelli. Bred by member Kathryn Zimmerman. Annie’s Dam is MBIS RBIS BISS UGRCH Wekay’s Libeled Lady, owned by member Kathryn Zimmerman, and her Sire is BIS URGCH Paisleylane Debonair Wolverine THDD, TKA, CGCA, CGCU, VCX, RTD, owned by member Debbi Cole.

BISS BIS RBIS DGCH URO1 CA RACES Cosmic Caliber’s River Vixen CGC TKI FDC SPOT-ON ICN “Total Dog” x7
Veronica started her show career with a bang by winning a RBIS at just 8 months old! She finished 2020 as the #2 Multicolored Standard Poodle and #10 Gun Dog with many Group wins/placements and a BIS. In 2021 she finished as the #2 Multicolored Standard Poodle again and #7 Gun Dog with many more Group wins/placements. In 2022 she only showed at Premier. She won the United Retriever Club Specialty and the Award of Excellence in the Top 10 competition! She is my first bred-by keeper and her journey to Diamond was one to be remembered. Bred and owned by Jordan Burns.

Bindi is my first show dog. I originally got her for sports, when her breeder encouraged me to try a couple shows out for fun. We did, and fell in love. Bindi earned her GRCH in September 2021, and 2022 we pushed to focus on the gemstones. She earned her Emerald in April, her Ruby in August, and her Sapphire at the beginning of October. We hope to finish her diamond by the end of the year, and keep playing in performance sports. Co-Owned by Lydia Richard and Jordan Burns. Bred by Jordan Burns.

MBIS SGRCH Rose City’s Queen Of The Night
Houston loves the show ring and shows her little heart out! She was #1 Multicolored Standard Poodle (MCSP) in 2019. In addition to numerous Group placements and multiple BIS, she earned her Sapphire Gemstone title and we are .4 of a leg away from her Diamond Gemstone Title. We will have to grow hair and bring her back out to get that last qualifying win, but she took a break to have her first litter and her amazing offspring are now entering their first shows. Houston is owned by members Kathryn Zimmerman and Christopher Segrest. Bred by member Kathryn Zimmerman. Houston’s Dam is MBIS RBIS BISS UGRCH Wekay’s Libeled Lady, owned by member Kathryn Zimmerman, and her Sire is BIS URGCH Paisleylane Debonair Wolverine THDD, TKA, CGCA, CGCU, VCX, RTD, owned by member Debbi Cole.

UR01 SGRCH Int/nat Ch Faksas Fanta Sea Zenyatta TKN CGCA CGCU SPOT-ON

Am CH NBOB MBIS RBISS MRBIS RACEA SGCH Canen Gossamer Stardust of Forest Lakes BCAT CGC SPOT-ON VCX a.k.a. Romeo
My ‘dream’ litter resulted from a collaboration with a mentor and produced two show prospects. Romeo, Porsche and I completed Puppy Obedience I and II and attended handling classes across our state. My ‘twins’ always elicited compliments encouraging me to continue preparing them for show careers. Although a state-trained 4H leader for showmanship and rally for several years, I had never competed myself. I was beyond nervous, but my mentor and another friend helped me prepare for our first show in December 2019. To our delight, Romeo earned his championship wins at that show and three months later his GRCH. At UKC Premier 2021 he earned an NBOB and RBISS and has continued to show well, collecting 9 total Best or Reserve Best in Show awards and earning his Emerald, Ruby and Sapphire Gemstones. Owned and bred by member Michele Harvey.

Am CH UKC MBIS MRBIS SGCH RACEN Katmary’s Rainbow of Forest Lakes CGC TKN BCAT TDx2

BIS RGCH URO1 RACEA Cosmic Caliber’s Come As You Are CGCA TKN SPOT-ON “Total Dog”
Anavrin missed most of her puppy career due to Covid. Once she got in the ring she finished her CH quickly, even taking breed over CH and GRCH from the classes. She then finished her GRCH January of 2021. She missed half of the show season in 2021 due to a back injury but came back with style in 2022! Anavrin has been ranked Top 5 in breed all of this year, earned many group placements, won breed at Premier and just won her first BIS! She’s moving right along to her Diamond and should get there much faster than expected! Bred and owned by Jordan Burns.


EGRCH Symplee California Dreamin’ @ Rose City
Cass came to us from my friend Megan Firinaiu at Symplee Poodles in California. Cass is smart, beautiful, wonderful and very busy, and we have been trying to keep up with her! I love her “sense of humor” and watching her tease the others with toys and treats. She has wowed us in the show ring getting several Best Puppy In Shows as a novice puppy and quickly got her UKC CH and Grand Championship. We are working on Gem levels now but were delayed by COVID. She has her Emerald Gemstone title so far. Cass is owned by members, Kathryn Zimmerman and Christopher Segrest.

BIS RBIS EGCH So Fetch’s Fair is Fair
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Copyright © 2018 United Poodle Association