Multi-Colored Poodles in all varieties, Standard, Miniature and Toy are welcome to compete at all UKC conformation and performance events. The Poodle Club of America dictates that only solid-colored Poodles can compete in the AKC breed ring; however, Multi-Colored Poodles are accepted in other AKC events where many earn a wide variety of AKC performance titles, including obedience and agility. Sources for the information and pictures on this page include: Canine Horizons– by our own Charlene Dunlap Huxtable the Poodle The Poodle History Project
Historically, the Multi-Colored Poodle is well documented: writings, drawings, and paintings from the 1700s and 1800s include many examples of these colorful dogs. Multi-colored poodles have always been a large part of the poodle world. Prior to the early 1900’s they were such a common occurrence that many dog publications used a parti colored poodle as their examples of this wonderful breed. Shortly after the turn of the 20th century, solid colors became the preferred color of many breeders and exhibitors. The French and British standard called for solid colored dogs, so when the Poodle Club of America was established in 1932, they followed suit and excluded the multi-colored poodles from the acceptable colors allowed in the conformation ring. From time to time, the multi-colored patterns would crop up in a litter, as the parti, sable and phantom patterns are all recessive traits that can be hidden for generations. More information about poodle color genetics to be added shortly.

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