Join Us
UPA encourages membership by all persons who have a sincere desire to promote the welfare of the Poodle and Standard Poodle and who meet the following eligibility criteria:
- Members and prospective members must subscribe to the purpose and objectives of the Association as outlined in the Constitution and By-laws. (Click on the Constitution and Bylaws poodle image to read.)
- All members and prospective members must agree to abide by the Association Code of Ethics. (Click on the Code of Ethics poodle image to read.)
- To be eligible for membership, you must be in good standing with the United Kennel Club.
- To be eligible for membership, you must either currently own a poodle of any size or have owned one in the past, with an exception for juniors.
- All members and prospective members must agree to never engage in doodle or merle breeding, and never stud to or knowingly sell puppies to doodle or merle breeders.
- All prospective members must contact and get sponsorship from two current members to join.
Prospective members should fill out a Membership Application (click on membership application poodle image to download and mail or email, or apply online) and send it to our Membership Secretary, Mo Stilson. Please read the Constitution and By-laws and Code of Ethics (click on appropriate poodle to download and read) and contact two current members for sponsorship prior to applying.
Dues should be sent to the treasurer (not membership secretary) via Paypal or check at the same time as application. Scroll to section below on paying membership dues. If for some reason, your application is not approved by the board, the dues will be returned to you.
Membership Secretary
Wendy Coffey
Types of Membership
There shall be five (5) types of membership open to any breeder, owner, or fancier of poodle(s) of any size variety, or color/color pattern accepted by the UKC who subscribes to the purposes/objectives and the Code of Ethics of the Association, and who is in good standing with the United Kennel Club.
Single Membership. Open to members 18 years of age or older. Single members are entitled to one vote and are eligible to hold office in the Association.
Family/Household Membership. Open to any two members of a household 18 years of age or older. Each Family/Household membership is entitled to two votes but only one member may hold office at any one time.
Charter Membership. Single members who joined on or prior to the date the Association gained provisional club status from the United Kennel Club shall be entitled to the designation “Charter Member”.
Honorary Membership. The Board of Directors may elect to honorary membership any member in good standing or any non-member who meets the eligibility requirements for membership. An affirmative vote of 2/3 of the Directors present at a meeting of the Board, or 2/3 of the entire Board voting by mail shall be required to elect an honorary member. Honorary members shall be exempt from dues. No honorary member may vote, or hold office, unless they were a member in good standing at the time that they were elected to honorary membership.
Junior Membership. Junior membership is open to any individual who is six (6) years to seventeen (17) years of age. Juniors may convert to Regular membership upon reaching their 18th birthday. Junior members shall not be entitled to vote nor eligible to hold office, but shall be eligible for annual trophies or awards offered by, or through, the Association.

Use of the UPA Logo - For Members Only
Only current members of UPA in good standing are allowed to use any of our UPA Logo’s on their websites and/or social media. If you use our Logo without being an actual member of UPA, we have the right to pursue legal action and post your name and kennel on our website and/or social media as a fraudulent violater of this policy.
Paying Membership Dues
Annual dues are due on or before the 1st of January of each year in order to keep your membership current. Contact Membership Secretary if your membership has lapsed.
Dues and Fees
$15 for a single membership
$20 for two persons in the same household (family)
$10 for junior members
If paying by PayPal, you will need to include enough to cover Paypal fees
Single – $16.05
Family – $21.23
Junior – $10.87
Use instructions under Paypal Help.
We prefer you use Paypal, but if you need to use a check, mail checks to UPA Treasurer (make check out to UPA):
Michele Harvey, UPA Treasurer (only for correspondence – do not use for PayPal)
*Email Michele to ask for her address if paying by check.
- To send money via PayPal, go to, login to “My Account” (if you don’t have one, you must sign up).
- After you are logged into “My Account” click on the tab that says “Send Money.”
- On that page, the first blank is the “To” field, which is where the is to be filled in. Fill in the other info and then click continue.
- Make sure to use the dues above that include the PayPal fees when paying via PayPal.
- On the next page, it will ask for your payment method and the option to include a message. Please put 20**(year) dues and your full name in the message blank since we may not know who the due are from without a note.
- Once that’s done, click “Send Money” Your Done! The money is sent to the UPA and you will get a receipt via email from PayPal.
The United Poodle Association [UPA] reserves the right to decide in its absolute discretion what material of any nature will be published to this website. The UPA reserves the right to refuse to publish any material, to edit and/or change the format of any material, to place conditions on the publication of any material, and accepts no responsibility for error in the publication of any material. The opinions expressed in any material published herein are not necessarily those of the UPA. While the information in this web site is believed to be true and accurate, neither the Officers, authors or members of the UPA can accept any legal responsibility for any errors or omissions that may have been made. The UPA name and logos are the exclusive property of the United Poodle Association. In addition, any images and content from the former Multi-Colored Poodle Club of America and The United Poodle Breeders Association are also exclusive property of the United Poodle Association which is a merger of the two organizations. Reproduction of any images or text contained within all media produced by the United Poodle Association cannot be reproduced without expressed written permission.
Copyright © 2018 United Poodle Association