Gearing Up for the 2018 UPA Poodle Specialty at the UKC Premier in Kalamazoo

See Events Page for latest updates and announcements about the 2018 UPA Specialty.

We are looking for trophy sponsors for our 2018 UPA Poodle Specialty at the UKC Premier.
Classes: Best Male, Best female, Champion, Grand Champion – $10 donation (x4 breeds). These trophies will consist of a variety of toys, tumblers, and water pails with UPA Logo.
Best of Breed (x4), Best Veteran, Best puppy, Altered Best of Breed (x4) – $20 donation. These trophies will consist of a professional win photo and frame.
Best in Show, Reserve, Altered Best In Show & Reserve Altered Best In Show are all being sponsored by the club.
Sponsoring a trophy will get your name listed on the website for a year as a sponsor, be included in the Premium Graphic and be listed as a sponsor at the show. We can list sponsor name, your kennel or both in all publications.
***Form to sign up for a specific trophy to donate is located on the UPA Member’s Only Facebook page. See the post at link below for the form and details on how to pay for the trophy.***