The United Poodle Association serves as the national association, representing UKC Poodle fanciers across the United States and Canada. UPA puts on an annual National Poodle Specialty Show at the UKC Premier dog show in Kalamazoo, Michigan in June.
UPA was formed in 2017 as a merger of the Multi-Colored Poodle Club of America (MCPCA) and the United Poodle Breeders Association (UPBA) and carries on traditions from both organizations. The MCPCA led a movement educating about multi-colored poodles and advocating for their place in the breed ring, which began in UKC in 2005. The UPBA existed to promote the “total poodle.” They were dedicated to education about and advancement of the best interests and welfare of purebred poodles and standard poodles and to bring their natural qualities to perfection through versatility in performance and careful breeding.
The objectives of the United Poodle Association are:
- To urge all members to accept and support the poodle breed standards as outlined by the United Kennel Club.
- To conduct conformation shows, performance events, fun matches and other canine related activities in accordance to the rules and regulations as set forth by the United Kennel Club.
- To aid in the education of multicolored poodles, so that they may be acknowledged without any form of discrimination or bias.
- To educate anyone with an interest in dogs, about poodles by promoting their strengths, beauty and infinite intelligence.
- To encourage and recommend, breeding, training and nutritional programs for all poodles (color and size notwithstanding), that will focus on bringing all poodles to the pinnacle of their breed potential.
- To advocate the overall interest of the breed of poodles through seminars, literature and informational materials.
- To ensure that all poodle breeders that we come in contact with have access to information about UPA recommended testing for all poodles. Refer to UPA Code of Ethics for further information.
- To foster and maintain the utmost respect and highest level of good sportsmanship with any other club also involved with the betterment and protection of the breed of poodles.
- To dismiss from our membership without hesitation those who violate these by-laws and the principles of good sportsmanship including fair and honest conduct.
- The club will not hold any other registry’s events on the same day/location as that of any UKC event without the prior approval of UKC.
- We reserve the right to refuse any entry in our competitions, as well as membership in this Club to any individual, at the discretion of the Board of Directors, and members. However, no person will be refused entry or membership on a basis of race, color, creed, religion, gender, age, or national origin.
History - About MCPCA

[Merged with UPBA in 2017 to form UPA.]
At the turn of the 21st century a small group dedicated breeders led a movement in the U.S. to return the Multi-Colored Poodle to his rightful place as a well-bred competitor in the breed ring and as a loving companion in people’s homes. The MCPCA was officially sanctioned by the UKC on May 5th 2005.
Any poodle, regardless of color, that exhibits exemplary health, temperament and conformation deserves a venue in which to be validated. The MCPCA is dedicated to promoting education regarding the Multi-Colored patterns and poodles of all colors.
The pictures above were from the first Multi-colored poodle match in the history of the breed and the MCPCA’S first UKC sanctioned show, October 2nd, 2005.
History - About UPBA

[Merged with MCPCA in 2017 to form UPA.]
The United Poodle Breeds Association exists to promote the “total poodle”. We strive to advance the best interests and welfare of purebred Poodles and Standard Poodles and to bring their natural qualities to perfection through versatility in performance and careful breeding.
UPBA is not in competition with any other dog organization, nor does the Association seek to duplicate the efforts of other organizations.
The objectives of the United Poodle Breeds Association are:
- To promote participation by Poodles and Standard Poodles in all performance activities
- To promote conformation showing of clean Poodles and Standard Poodles displaying their natural coats
- To educate members, U.K.C. judges, and others about our versatile breeds
- To promote careful, informed breeding of healthy, sound, genetically diverse Poodles and Standard Poodles with breed‐specific good temperament
- To provide a foundation for the eventual formation of a U.K.C. National Association for Poodles and a U.K.C. National Association for Standard Poodles
- To promote U.K.C. litter registration
The United Poodle Association [UPA] reserves the right to decide in its absolute discretion what material of any nature will be published to this website. The UPA reserves the right to refuse to publish any material, to edit and/or change the format of any material, to place conditions on the publication of any material, and accepts no responsibility for error in the publication of any material. The opinions expressed in any material published herein are not necessarily those of the UPA. While the information in this web site is believed to be true and accurate, neither the Officers, authors or members of the UPA can accept any legal responsibility for any errors or omissions that may have been made. The UPA name and logos are the exclusive property of the United Poodle Association. In addition, any images and content from the former Multi-Colored Poodle Club of America and The United Poodle Breeders Association are also exclusive property of the United Poodle Association which is a merger of the two organizations. Reproduction of any images or text contained within all media produced by the United Poodle Association cannot be reproduced without expressed written permission.
Copyright © 2018 United Poodle Association