2024 Inaugural Poodle Performance Awards at Premier

June 14th, 2024

 Scroll to embedded RSVP google form.

How do you enter?

  1. Enter your performance event on FRIDAY, June 14, at Premier Nationals.
  2. RSVP to UPA’s Meet and Greet Friday evening (see RSVP form below).
  3. Participate in your event and earn a qualifying score.
  4. Take a picture of your scoresheet, results, or Judge’s Book showing your class, times, placements and scores. Review the requirements for each award on this page so you know what information you will need to get proof of. 
  5. Bring your results to the Meet and Greet and show them to the person at the whiteboard by 5:15 pm.

Below are the poodle performance awards that UPA will give out a rosette for and the criteria for earning them:

Highest Scoring Poodle in Rally

The award will be given to the poodle that earns the highest qualifying score between all classes except for the URO1-C class. When two poodles competing in the trial have the same score, regardless of the class or section in which the score was earned, the winner of the High in Trial award will be the dog with the fastest time (least amount of elapsed time). If the poodles remain tied, the tie shall stand.

Highest Scoring Poodle in Obedience

The award will go to the poodle with the highest qualifying score in the regular classes. Non-licensed and additional titling classes are not to be considered. Classes to be considered are Novice A and B, Open A and B and Utility A and B.  When two or more poodles competing in the trial have the same score and competed in the same class, then the poodle with the highest placement in that class will continue to be considered.  If multiple poodles in different classes have the same score then the poodle in the higher level class will be awarded High In Trial.   If multiple poodles at the same level in different classes have the same score then the tie shall stand.  

Highest Scoring Poodle in Agility

The award is given to the poodle that has the highest qualifying score of all poodles competing in the trial. When two poodles competing in the trial have the same score, regardless of the class or division in which it was earned, the winner of the High in Trial award shall be the poodle running under the normal SCT with the greatest difference between its running time and the normal Standard Course Time. If dogs remain tied, the tie shall stand.

Longest Dock Jumping Standard Poodle

This award will be awarded to the longest qualifying distance jump recorded in a splash.  If two poodles have the same distance, the tie will stand.  

Longest Dock Jumping Miniature Poodle 

This award will be awarded to the longest qualifying distance jump recorded in a splash.  If two poodles have the same distance, the tie will stand. 

Longest Dock Jumping Toy Poodle 

This award will be awarded to the longest qualifying distance jump recorded in a splash.  If two poodles have the same distance, the tie will stand.  

Most Weight Pulled per Pound (1 for A division and 1 for B division)

This award will be awarded per division. This award is given to the poodle in each division with a qualifying pull who has the highest amount of weight pulled per body pound up to the maximum weight limit per division. 

Increments over the maximum weight limit are not considered when determining the MWPPBP award. When two or more poodles competing in the same pull and division have reached the maximum amount of weight pulled, regardless of weight class, the winner of the Most Weight Pulled per Body Pound award within the division will be the poodle with the fastest time. If the time is the same, the tie will stand.

Highest Scoring Poodle in Nosework 

This award will be awarded for the poodle that has the most qualifying runs in all of the elements for that trial. If there is more than one dog with the same amount of qualifying runs, the award will go to the poodle with the least amount of faults. If there is still a tie the award will go to the poodle with the fastest combined times from all qualifying runs. If the time is the same, the tie will stand. 

Annual Meet & Greet Party at the UKC PREMIER

5:30-7:30 pm Friday, June 14th, 2024
Kalamazoo Fair Grounds
Expo Room B
Crating allowed in hallway near Expo Room B if needed. No poodles allowed in Expo Room B.

See map for mingling area for 45 minutes prior to Meet and Greet starting.

A catered dinner and refreshments will be offered, compliments of the club.  Please join the members of the UPA for a gathering of poodle people and poodle door prizes. We will also have an educational demonstration and will add details as we get closer. This year we will also be offering poodle performance awards to poodle exhibitors. See details on this page.

Anyone interested in Poodles is welcome!  We will have UPA applications and discuss what you need to do to join UPA if you would like to do so.


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Copyright © 2018 United Poodle Association